O que eu me lembro daquela noite é do sono que eu sentia. De como eu deveria ter prendido meu cabelo e de como, só de pensar nas cinco horas de viagem que me esperavam, eu já sentia minha mão começar a suar. De ouvir Taylor Swift com minha amiga enquanto esperava a hora de embarque e de pensar que era loucura fazer uma viagem de formatura com só uma amiga, sem conhecer mais ninguém.
E então nós conhecemos você. Você estava sentado do meu lado e riu quando eu pedi que minha amiga segurasse minha mão na hora da decolagem.
Eu não vou dizer que fico me lembrando de você, porque isso não seria verdade. Eu conheci outro cara depois de você, um cara que, na verdade, eu ja conhecia havia alguns anos, mas com quem nunca havia conversado e ele ocupou seu lugar na minha cabeça por um tempo. Mas, vez ou outra, eu sinto falta dos seus abraços. E da forma com que, ao chegar perto de mim, você colocava seus braços em minha volta e beijava minha testa. Da forma que você sorria para mim e de como, aqueles segundos em que você abraçou minha cintura e foi se inclinando até minha boca - antes dela nos interromper - eu senti como se, o que quer que estivesse para acontecer, não precisava necessariamente ter um significado, mas que seria um momento nosso.
Eu sabia que nós não nos veriamos mais depois daquela despedida no aeroporto. E eu sabia que as conversas que fossemos ter, seriam limitadas e que, eventualmente, elas terminariam. E foi o que aconteceu.
Eu sei que nós nos distanciarmos partiu de mim e de como fui eu quem deixou de te procurar, quando você veio falar comigo todas as vezes em que, de acordo com as tais "regras", você deveria. Mas você também sabia que isso aconteceria.
A verdade é que eu gostaria de te agradecer. Foi só quando você apareceu e segurou minha mão, e me abraçou e deitou no meu colo e me puxou para perto de você quando me via, que eu percebi como um cara pode ser com uma garota. Você me fez parar de aceitar qualquer cara que se interessasse, você me fez perceber que existem aqueles que ainda beijam sua testa e depois te abraçam apertado, enquanto te chamam de namorada.
Foi como se eu aprendesse a me dar um valor que eu tinha esquecido que deveria ter.
Nos momentos em que eu lembro de você, eu sinto sua falta.
Eu sinto falta dos seus abraços e tudo conectado a eles.
Eu sinto falta da forma como você me segurava e sussurrava "Eu já estou com tantas saudades...".
Eu sinto falta de puxar seu boné, enquanto você dava um beijo na minha buchecha e da forma que, quando seu pai me empurrou para sentar ao lado dele, você sorriu e segurou minha mão, mesmo estando numa posição completamente desconfortável.
Eu sinto falta de um cara como você por perto.
Obrigada por me mostrar que eu não preciso me contentar com pouco. Que exceções, afinal, existem.
p.s: Os abraços que eu lhe dei foram mais íntimos que muitos beijos que já tive.
domingo, 17 de abril de 2011
segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011
You couldn't remember seeing a clearer sky. It was blue like nothing you would ever notice before, enough to keep all together, whatever all was. The wind was hitting your face softly, as if to remind you were still there. It was strange, you noticed while you walked, everything was still the same. Even felt like being the same. It seemed like there had been no change, except for the fact it had. A big change, actually.
Looking back, that right now change could have hurt like nothing you had ever felt before, if you were younger. Your younger self would have tried anything to go back, so nothing would be different. Your younger self would not settle with that situation. But you weren't your younger self. And you lived that before. And you looked on those years and realised all you should have done and didn't. All you should have said and didn't. But, also, everything you shouldn't have done and did it, anyway. How could so much time pass by and, no matter how many years you saw go by, you still saw the past like if had just happened? Like a recent yesterday.
You had been walking for an hour when you finally found him.
He was in a really old bench, staring intently to his shoes.
As he began to trail his eyes along the ground and it finally landed on your shoes, you saw his eyes follow all the draw of your body, until it finally met your eyes. You wanted to go there. You wanted to hug him. You wanted to hold onto that recent yesterday, you wanted to tell to screw tomorrow and being the grown up. You wanted to tell him about what was happening, you wanted to hear his voice, you wanted for him to tell you what to do and how he would always stand up for you, even when you couldn't stand up for yourself.
But you didn't.
You just stared at each other, like old friends who simply didn't have anything else to tell one another.
And he smiled at you. And you smiled back.
And as you waved, saying goodbye, thinking how you would always remember his eyes, you felt everything would be okay.
You would be okay.
With or without someone you didn't want to see leaving you, some moments would never be lost. And you would find yourself, eventually, understanding that, sometimes, being alone, no matter what was the situation, was after all, the best situation.
Your best situation.
Missing someone was just part of the situation.
Looking back, that right now change could have hurt like nothing you had ever felt before, if you were younger. Your younger self would have tried anything to go back, so nothing would be different. Your younger self would not settle with that situation. But you weren't your younger self. And you lived that before. And you looked on those years and realised all you should have done and didn't. All you should have said and didn't. But, also, everything you shouldn't have done and did it, anyway. How could so much time pass by and, no matter how many years you saw go by, you still saw the past like if had just happened? Like a recent yesterday.
You had been walking for an hour when you finally found him.
He was in a really old bench, staring intently to his shoes.
As he began to trail his eyes along the ground and it finally landed on your shoes, you saw his eyes follow all the draw of your body, until it finally met your eyes. You wanted to go there. You wanted to hug him. You wanted to hold onto that recent yesterday, you wanted to tell to screw tomorrow and being the grown up. You wanted to tell him about what was happening, you wanted to hear his voice, you wanted for him to tell you what to do and how he would always stand up for you, even when you couldn't stand up for yourself.
But you didn't.
You just stared at each other, like old friends who simply didn't have anything else to tell one another.
And he smiled at you. And you smiled back.
And as you waved, saying goodbye, thinking how you would always remember his eyes, you felt everything would be okay.
You would be okay.
With or without someone you didn't want to see leaving you, some moments would never be lost. And you would find yourself, eventually, understanding that, sometimes, being alone, no matter what was the situation, was after all, the best situation.
Your best situation.
Missing someone was just part of the situation.
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